In the event of a catastrophic event or pandemic in the state or the area, all ag娱乐官网 in-person classes may be transferred to an online and/or blended environment in order to keep students, faculty, and staff safe and healthy. Students will be notified of this change via email and/or text message within 72 hours if possible. It is important that students and faculty notify the department if contact information should change. In the event of a power outage, communication will resume as soon as possible.
Instructors will also send messages to students via email and/or the learning management system detailing any changes to the class and the delivery method. In the event of this change, students will need to have reliable access to both the internet and a computer to complete the coursework. Should a student not have the needed equipment to complete online assignments, they should notify their instructor and visit the Learning Resource Center to familiarize themselves with the procedures in checking out needed equipment.
Course-Specific Contingencies
All classes will be virtual if the situation arises. Students will be required to attend online until classes resume at ag娱乐官网. All faculty will maintain FERPA in a virtual environment. Clinical will continue as scheduled if allowed. In the case that clinical sites are shut down due to a catastrophic event, students will attend clinical simulation online with the clinical coordinator. All clinical sites and instructors will be notified via email of this change. Additional instructions will be given as needed.